Social Media Management for Doctors

Cosmetic Dermatology | Aesthetics | Skincare


Putting confidence back into
your social media strategy


No more inconsistent posting. No more chasing ever-changing social media trends. Now, you’ll show up consistently and on-brand.

THREE Options to get Your Social Media On-Track

  • Social Media Consultation + Review

    This is like your yearly skin check. We take a look under the hood see what’s going on and make healthy social media recommendations for you moving forward.

    A One-Time Service.

    A social media consult where we review your current strategy and content. We talk about your business and social media goals and I provide expert insight and suggestions.

    You take notes and I provide a full write-up review and feedback

    At this point, you can choose to tackle your business social media head-on or up the ante with one of our other social media offerings. [I support you either way.]

  • Workshop + Content Planning

    You want the extra guidance on social media but you plan to keep your social media marketing in-house.

    A One-Time (maybe two) Service.

    We’ll set up a workshop where I bring my years of experience in dermatology and skin care and give you all you need to know about the content that does well with your specific audience (geography matters, I know).

    You’ll learn how to plan it, create it, and a boatload of examples of topics.

    You’ll walk out feeling unannoyed, unafraid, and empowered —ready to up your social media game.

  • Content Planning + Creation + Scheduling

    Literally, this is me taking this daunting task off your plate.

    A Dream. This is a Monthly Service.

    Hey, there are just some things in life we don’t want to do, shouldn’t do, or don’t need to be doing. That’s why we outsource. Your time is better served somewhere else. I take it from here.

    I plan your content. Create your content. Write the captions. Encourage and connect with your staff to gather in-office shots and video. And, I schedule it. Automated.

    No skin off your back. All you have to do is sit back and review.


One contact. One goal. Grow.

We’ll work one-on-one with ease. You or your practice manager have one point of contact, me, for all social media management needs.

You know you’ll show up because I’ll get you there.

Things you’ll want to know [FAQs]

  • You will need video. I won’t force you but I’ll highly recommend. I’ll either bring in my collaborator or if you’re not local in San Diego, I’ll bring someone in from your town. I also have plenty of suggestions for simple, quick video shots that one of your team members could pull off, if you like that option.

  • Not at all. This is in the personal choice dept. While your followers would love to see a little behind the scenes in life because human connection has the most impact, we can certainly curate in-office photos only. Comfort level is important.

  • Only if you want it to. If you choose to do your social media in-house, well it’ll take some planning and some of your staff’s time. But if you plan accordingly and stick to it (eesh, it’s like dieting) you’ll dial in your process and see results.

  • I added this one for fun. The answer is yes. And here’s why. 1) You can’t guarantee you’ll be busy forever. 2) Social media growth doesn’t happen overnight so you have to start now 3) Your competitors are doing it, which only means they’re a little ahead 4) It is literally the easiest way to talk to 100’s, no 1000’s of people at one time. Show them who you are and what you do. 5) Social media is like a mini-website. A place people look you up and connect. So yes, you need social.


“I will continue to find ways to weave Kate into our business because her insight and expertise are truly invaluable”


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Questions about getting started?
Let’s get in touch.